Alton Jones Jr. is hard-wired for his career as a professional bass angler. Growing up, Alton traveled the country with his dad, Alton Jones Sr. as he competed in professional fishing tournaments. It was a family affair, and Alton and his sisters were home-schooled by their mom in a well-traveled RV as Alton Sr. fished. But home-base was Waco, Texas, and Alton Jr., a diehard Baylor fan, graduated from his hometown university with a marketing degree before embarking on his own professional fishing career. He sometimes competes against his dad, and though 6-feet tall is still called “Little Alton” by many fellow competitors. When not on the water searching for that next big bass, Alton enjoys spending time outdoors and is a passionate duck hunter.

You could say I was bred to fish. Growing up, my family traveled the country in an RV as my dad competed in tournaments across the country, and my mom home-schooled me and my two sisters. We got to see a lot of the United States in our travels and visited many national parks along the way.
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